SgHama's MBA Dream

After 2 years of what if's and worrying about the finances... class of 2008 here I come!

Monday, March 06, 2006

tick tock tick tock

I thought I was immune to this whole admissions anxiety thing but it turns out that I've been in denial the whole time and it's now a rampaging bull in my mind as the Wharton decision date approaches. I seriously have no idea where I would go if I get accepted to all 3 schools, but I just want to have that choice to make!! 10 days and counting.... arrgh it's killing me.......


Blogger Marina said...

Don't forget to breathe!

3/07/2006 1:38 AM  
Blogger AynRand2008 said...

Having 3 choices is a good problem. The bad problem is how to reject two of them. :-)

3/07/2006 9:22 AM  
Blogger i_will_make_it said...

Totally feel ya. I've been driving my bf and family crazy because I'm so anxious. Argh! Good luck!!

3/08/2006 5:05 AM  

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