SgHama's MBA Dream

After 2 years of what if's and worrying about the finances... class of 2008 here I come!

Saturday, October 01, 2005


Haven't been blogging for the past couple weeks because i've been completely swamped with work and haven't had time to work on anything MBA related. I'm moving to my new apartment today, and I am getting married tomorrow!! So that's been taking up the rest of my time. I am a little worried about making the Wharton deadline though, since I've only completed 2 essays and am halfway through the third. Will write more once things slow down...


Blogger Forrest Gump said...

congratulations ! marriage and wharton apps - couldnt think of that unique combination. i am sure you will just do fine.

10/02/2005 12:18 AM  
Blogger SgHama said...

Thanks guys... I'm now only a few hours away from the big moment.

10/02/2005 10:37 AM  

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